How to Set Up Your Instagram for Business Profile

How To Set up your Instagram Page.jpg

Many of you, I am sure, have personal Instagram accounts? The place where you envy your friend's mimosas during brunch, and swoon over the cute baby pictures filling your feed. But did you know that Instagram is so much more than that? Switching to an Instagram Business account will open up more features that a personal account. Such as getting real-time metrics on how your content is performing (post coming soon!),  learn from your followers, have a quick place for followers to find your information!


  1. Update your App! Or download it, if you are new to Instagram. In your Instagram app, tap on your profile  photo at the bottom right

  2. Tap on the settings wheel icon at the  top right

  3. If you see “Switch to Business Profile” you have access to the new Instagram business profiles

Tap on the Switch to Business Profile option. If you are new to Instagram, check out the features by clicking the “View Features” link!

  1. By the way, be sure to make your username (aka handle) is the name of your company

  2. Find friends from Facebook and your contacts list and add them to get rolling

This will give you an opportunity to link your Facebook (our business page, of course!), add contact information, etc. A lot of this can be pulled from your Facebook age (if you connect it), and you can choose which information is shared with your audience. Check the pro-tips for photo tips!


Now that your profile is set up, you need to focus on what you want to say. Start by writing your Bio. This can be searched for within  Instagram; be thoughtful when working on this step (and get in touch with us if you need help). Make your bio catchy, and genuine. Really focus on how you help people vs. simply what you do.what.

Let your followers know what they can expect to see from you on this platforms (Ex: if you are a burger shack - “Just a small town boy, making delicious burgers and sharing them with the world” etc.). This is also a great time to create a custom hashtag for your company and add it in as well (and definitely add it to your posts, too!). Of course add your website in, too! You can never promote that enough, am I right?


  • You have everything connected and have updated your page as much as you can. Be sure to check it out from a third person perspective. I mean, the page is to promote you to your audience, you need to make sure they are having the experience you want while visiting your profile.  

  • Follow back active members of your audience and follow other companies that align with your values.

  • Follow hashtags - this will help Instagram's algorithm know what to show you!

  • When choosing your profile photo, do NOT import a photo from Facebook. Doing this will also pull your personal information you have listed on Facebook. If you really like your profile picture on Facebook, try uploading your image first to your phone then import it from there.

Are you ready to utilize Instagram for Business? Want more in-depth help? Visit our website and we would be happy to help!


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